Social media marketing
Social media marketing is broad which means there are many ways that it can be done. You can either do blog posting, video blogging or even make landing pages (you should use an optin form and some kind of free gift here to help you build your subscriber list) that all lead to your business's website. Blog posting and article writing can be the most effective web marketing tools to date, but another method of doing so is podcasting. Many may ask what is podcasting all about and how can it be done. While tech saavy people hooked into the virtual world can become prolific writers by making blog post articles, they also have the option to become effective on-line radio characters through podcasting. That can easily be possible if you know how to podcast.
For whatever purpose you want to podcast, either for promoting your on-line business or simply just talking about anything under the sun to bring entertainment to the mass on-line audience, that can be done easily. Here is a simple guide for beginners out there on how to podcast:
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Plan Your Talk
Podcasting is like writing blogs, the only difference is that you'll have to speak your writing. That is the main essence of podcasting, giving the audience the option to listen to information about a certain topic or business rather than reading. As a tip, plan things up so that you can produce an effective audio output for your target audience online. Make sure you make it brief and informational in an outgoing manner just so people won't get bored, but rather be entertained while getting all the necessary details they need.
Rehearse Before Recording
When you are done with your planning and writing, next off would be rehearsing before you record your content (this is done using your computer with a microphone plugged in and either Windows media player or some other dedicated software). This is a crucial matter that you have to greatly consider before you do your recording. To begin with, condition your vocal chords. You have to sound pleasant to your audience's ears. You don't really have to sound like a singer, but at least sound like a pro radio host. All it takes is setting the right tone and volume, then you should be good to go.
Universal Audio Formatting
When people hear the term "podcast," the first thing that comes to their minds is an iPod. It makes sense though knowing that way back in 2004 when podcasting was born, it was typically made for the iPod and other such portable audio devices. However, it doesn't really take an iPod just so you can listen to a podcast. Consider the fact that your audience uses different devices to listen to music or any audio file. That being said, your recording must be saved in a format compatible to any mp3 player or handheld device. If not, at least give your audience the option choose something that would be right for what they have by having your recording in different audio formats.
Indeed, knowing how to podcast is easy. If you know how to follow the simple steps given, you should be able to make an effective one for any given purpose especially in social media marketing, and if done well, podcasting can be very beneficial for your business.
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Posted in Moving and Relocating Post Date 09/19/2019