Take a Leap Today

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney

The most difficult part of life can just be getting started . Its easy to focus on personal doubts and find excuses to delay. Success requires that you take a leap and just do it .

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You've got to be decisive, and that applies to key decisions about your health and personal time. Don't put off starting an exercise routine daily or making changes to your daily diet. There's no time better than today for establishing new habits to improve your life.

The same is true with the big picture. You've probably been told to find your passion , emphasizing that it's essential to identify that special thing to devote your time to. In reality it's a piece of really bad advice that stops people in their tracks.

You can have many different passions in your life and what you choose to focus your energies on may change over time. Long ago a young Steve Jobs had a passionate interest in being a yoga instructor in New York, and there are many similar stories from other successful people.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment, according to Jim Rohn, either you run the day or the day runs you.

Go ahead and make a decision on something that really interests you. Begin by developing some clear objectives. Turn off the distractions lose the web connection and cell phone for a while then sit down in a quiet spot and get some key ideas in writing. Be specific, but limit yourself to a single page.

Its essential to get past dwelling on everything that's going to be difficult and time consuming. Acknowledge up front there will be some challenges ahead and spend some time listing just what you think are the key issues to address.

To quote Gen. George Patton, "Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory."

Most anything worthwhile is likely to have some drudgery, so define intermediate goals. Think through what your action plan should be and take satisfaction in completing each step along the way.

JUST DO IT. Its a great phrase to keep in mind, known of course as a core components of Nike's brand. The company's domestic business increased from 18% to 43% after the slogan was introduced in 1988. Its three effective words you can use to get yourself in gear.

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Invaluable Sources

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Posted in Moving and Relocating Post Date 10/28/2019




